Anyone can eat sushi in any way they want to. Everyone has tried all types of sushi at some point: raw, sashimi-style, chopped up, or flash-fried. Sushi offers a unique and tasty eating experience paired with a glass of sake, wine, a cocktail, or any other beverage you can find.
One big secret that everyone does not know about sushi is its origin. Its origins trace back to China, not Japan! Japan is currently tagged as the sushi capital of the world and the one responsible for promoting the dish to travelers. But China already created the dish before Japan even got the title of sushi capital of the world. The Chinese dish for sushi is named
Since its introduction to travelers, Sushi dishes have quickly become one of the most admired international meals, and sushi restaurants have been sprouting anywhere in the world - with over 4,000 sushi restaurants in the United States. How did it arrive in the United States, you say? It was introduced to Western Culture by the early 1900s, but only in 1960 when the trend began, and Americans started trying sushi themselves and loved it. To attract more Americans to the idea of eating sushi, chefs began experimenting with new taste combinations and sushi rolls. The famous California roll was born, wherein an inside-out “makizushi” roll with cucumber, crab meat, and avocado with white rice was beautifully crafted.
In Scottsdale, the best sushi dishes are served by the Wok N’ Roll Restaurant chefs.
Created with passion and commitment to satisfy the sushi cravings of our customers, innovative and sumptuous sushi dishes are available in our exclusive SUSHI Menu.
Give in to your cravings and head over to Wok N’ Roll now! You can visit any of our branches below or call ahead to make a table reservation.
Old Town Scottsdale
4412 N Miller Rd
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
(480) 427-2526
Downtown Phoenix
2801 N Central Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85004
(602) 230-2960
You will never get tired of that Sushi experience…
Wok 'N Roll with us as an investor.
Old Town Scottsdale
Monday – Thursday: 11am – 10pm
Friday: 11am - 12:30am
Saturday: 11am – 12 midnight
Sunday: 11am – 9pm
Downtown Phoenix
Monday – Thursday: 10:30am – 10pm
Friday – Saturday: 10:30am – 12 midnight
Sunday: 11am-8pm
Old Town Scottsdale
4412 N Miller Rd
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Downtown Phoenix
2801 N Central Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85004
Wok ’N Roll the Night Away with Fresh Sushi, Chinese and Your Favorite Sports Games!
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