Lunch specials are not that common in any restaurant in the world. Some restaurants may have a deal similar to this but in a different way. The first thing you need to know before tackling the lunchtime rush is that you are not the only one who does it. Everybody else is doing it, too! You've probably even noticed that other people at your office or school are bringing their own lunch each day.
Whodathunkit? And guess what? We're all in this together; so there's no need to feel left out or feel as though you're a lesser person because you don't have access to a variety of different foods throughout the day. The good news is that with some forethought and preparation, it's super easy to have healthy, nutritious lunches at any time of the day. In fact, once you get used to making your own lunches and getting rid of the processed junk that's typically found in most institutional food, it can actually be kind of relaxing.
This is kind of a trick question, isn't it? You mean, we're not going to just dive right into the lunch?
Well, yes and no. There are a few things you should know about what you're eating at lunchtime.
First, you want to make sure that you're getting enough fiber. Fiber is what keeps you full and satisfied so that you don't overeat throughout the rest of the day. At the same time, it's also ideal for improving your digestion and keeping your body running smoothly.
Second, make sure that your lunch includes some protein. Protein is what you need to build new muscle, keep your metabolism running, and help you feel full and satiated after you eat.
And third, make sure that you're eating complex carbs at lunch. Complex carbs are what give you energy and provide you with vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
There's nothing wrong with taking a little break from the everyday diet and having one or two bigger meals during the week. You might try having a power lunch or dinner once in a while to mix things up a little bit and get a break from the daily routine.
At Wok N’ Roll, you get to have 4 hours of Lunch Special for only USD 11 per meal. All meals come with white or brown rice and egg drop soup.
Visit our locations at Old Downtown Scottsdale and Downtown Phoenix for our Lunch Special every 11AM to 3PM.
Healthy eating doesn't have to be boring, time-consuming, or complicated. With a little forethought, preparation, and creativity, it can be easy to have nutritious meals that are also delicious and enjoyable. Yes, it takes a little extra time, but the time spent is nothing compared with the time you'd spend eating unhealthy and taking the time to do it wrong.
Keep in mind that you're not alone in this struggle. There are probably other people at your school, work, or other places that you frequent who are trying to eat better, too. Knowing that there are people who are going through the exact same thing you are can help you feel less alone and give you the strength to continue to eat healthier.
Good luck and happy eating!
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Old Town Scottsdale
Monday – Thursday: 11am – 10pm
Friday: 11am - 12:30am
Saturday: 11am – 12 midnight
Sunday: 11am – 9pm
Downtown Phoenix
Monday – Thursday: 10:30am – 10pm
Friday – Saturday: 10:30am – 12 midnight
Sunday: 11am-8pm
Old Town Scottsdale
4412 N Miller Rd
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
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2801 N Central Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85004
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